Year 3


For September 2024, children in Year 3 will be taught in year group classes for the morning and will be taught in mixed-age classes in the afternoon for Science and the foundation subjects.

The curriculum will be structured over a 2-year rolling programme. Over the 2-year rolling programme, the children will cover all they need to from the National Curriculum.

Both national and local data indicates that being placed in a mixed age class has no negative impact on children’s academic achievement; in fact, educational research suggests that children often perform better in classes with a bigger age range.

The teachers will ensure that children who find aspects of the curriculum more challenging are supported in the same way as they have been in single year classes and those working above the expected standard will continue to be challenged. All children will be provided with work that deepens their understanding, provides them with opportunities to problem-solve and reason and explore new concepts.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview


Autumn Curriculum Overview
