Climate Change and Sustainability


At Radstock Primary School, part of our curriculum focus across the school is on climate change and sustainability. Each year group spend some time each half term looking at different aspects of climate change and sustainability, linking to the national curriculum for science and geography. 

As a school, we have a Climate Action Plan, which the Department for Education ask all schools to produce. This has a series of targets across 4 different areas of climate change and sustainability: decarbonisation, adaptation and resilience, biodiversity, and climate education and green skills. 

Mrs Slocombe, Radstock's Headteacher, leads on climate change and sustainability across the Orchard Learning Alliance, our multi-academy trust. For more information on the trust's ambitions for climate change and sustainability, please see the short video below, made by the Met Office, which Mrs Slocombe, and Mr Tom Bartlett, the trust's CEO, featured in.