In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6), children have the opportunity to run for and represent their class as Digital Leader. Some of the Digital Leader responsibilities include promoting computing both in class and across the school, supporting peers/teaching staff in computing lessons and assisting in the running of competitions.
Each class Digital Leader meets once per half term with the computing curriculum coordinator, during which they have opportunities to share their ideas and receive training. Following each meeting, Digital Leaders are responsible for sharing meeting minutes with their class and asking pupil voice questions posed by the computing curriculum coordinator. Our Digital Leaders take a great sense of pride in their role and have made a positive impact to computing on both a class and whole school level.
Photographs of the Digital Leaders can be found outside each of the year group classrooms.
In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6), children have the opportunity to run for and represent their class as Digital Leader. Some of the Digital Leader responsibilities include promoting computing both in class and across the school, supporting peers/teaching staff in computing lessons and assisting in the running of competitions.
Each class Digital Leader meets once per half term with the computing curriculum coordinator, during which they have opportunities to share their ideas and receive training. Following each meeting, Digital Leaders are responsible for sharing meeting minutes with their class and asking pupil voice questions posed by the computing curriculum coordinator. Our Digital Leaders take a great sense of pride in their role and have made a positive impact to computing on both a class and whole school level.
Photographs of the Digital Leaders can be found outside each of the year group classrooms.
In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6), children have the opportunity to run for and represent their class as Digital Leader. Some of the Digital Leader responsibilities include promoting computing both in class and across the school, supporting peers/teaching staff in computing lessons and assisting in the running of competitions.
Each class Digital Leader meets once per half term with the computing curriculum coordinator, during which they have opportunities to share their ideas and receive training. Following each meeting, Digital Leaders are responsible for sharing meeting minutes with their class and asking pupil voice questions posed by the computing curriculum coordinator. Our Digital Leaders take a great sense of pride in their role and have made a positive impact to computing on both a class and whole school level.
Photographs of the Digital Leaders can be found outside each of the year group classrooms.