
We use Insight to track assessment information. Parents are informed of their child's academic attainment three times per year - at Parents Evenings in the autumn and spring term, as well as in the end of year reports issued in the summer term.

We use the following terminology to explain children's academic attainment:

At the expected standard - this means the child is meeting the standards expected for their age group

Working below the expected standard - this means the child is working below the standards expected for their age group

Working above the expected standard/working at greater depth - this means the child is working above the standards expected for their age group


We use Insight to track assessment information. Parents are informed of their child's academic attainment three times per year - at Parents Evenings in the autumn and spring term, as well as in the end of year reports issued in the summer term.

We use the following terminology to explain children's academic attainment:

At the expected standard - this means the child is meeting the standards expected for their age group

Working below the expected standard - this means the child is working below the standards expected for their age group

Working above the expected standard/working at greater depth - this means the child is working above the standards expected for their age group


We use Insight to track assessment information. Parents are informed of their child's academic attainment three times per year - at Parents Evenings in the autumn and spring term, as well as in the end of year reports issued in the summer term.

We use the following terminology to explain children's academic attainment:

At the expected standard - this means the child is meeting the standards expected for their age group

Working below the expected standard - this means the child is working below the standards expected for their age group

Working above the expected standard/working at greater depth - this means the child is working above the standards expected for their age group